Happy Cake Day, Milestomes.com

yoda quote try not do or do not there is no tryyoda quote try not do or do not there is no tryDecember 14, 2011 Milestomes.com was born with the blogpost "How Grades Change Conversations About Assessment & Achievement"

I wanted to start blogging partly in fulfillment of my employer's requirement to submit an annual statement of professional growth, but mostly because I started Tweeting and reading other blogs. I wanted to be part of the conversation and the professional dialogue. I had ideas and things to share, questions, opinions, and epiphanies.

Finding time to write would require some effort at first - Made a conscious effort to set aside some time each week In the early days. At this point, it is part of my daily experience. I spend a little time thinking, writing, outlining. When a post nears completion, I'll devote a bit more time to polish and publish. It is much more enjoyable than I initially thought it might be. It is fun to see the hit counter roll over another visitor, a treat when someone feels the post is Tweet-worthy, and a real joy to get an actual comment.

Over the year I feel like I've found a focus and am developing my voice. Daily experiences have begun to feel like potential blog posts - living in that frame of mind I think, "How would I tag this experience?" "What is the 'take-away' from what just happened?" "How would the lead sentence for this event sound?"

As a means of professional engagement, blogging has been very fulfilling. I appreciate the  comments, the twitter dialogue, and the space to articulate my thoughts, and I look forward to another year ahead that epitomizes the phrase, "sharing is caring." Many thanks to you, colleagues, for sharing in your own Tweets,  blogs, and comments.

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