Using Sticky-Note Goals on Student Wall for Short Term Goals

My students sit around the perimeter of the room where they have wall space for work and an electric outlet to charge their devices. When students have choices about their focus for the period, or are working on projects, I have them set a goal for the time period, write it on a sticky-note, and post it on the wall by their desk.

Publically stating goals raises the level of commitment to the task. Having the goals on the wall lets others view the goal and can provide support or seek assistance from those with similar goals. I can sweep around the room and see at a glance if the observed behaviours are consistent with someone working toward the stated goal.

Students benefit from setting both long and short-term goals and it takes practice. Learning how to make SMART goals for both long and short-term helps manage the To Do list, and brings a sense of efficacy when we see work being completed.

You can't achieve your goals if you don't have any, so plan your work, then work your plan.


  1. [...] Years later we ended the formal goal setting night and sought to integrate the goal setting process into the day-to-day work in the context of assignments and projects. Goals are now integrated in students reflection statements. Short term goals may also be articulated from one period to the next or within a single period. [...]

  2. [...] and reflect on work as they go. Students will also learn to manage a comprehensive project - setting goals, managing time, breaking a large project into smaller chunks and planning out work over several [...]

  3. Richard says:

    "A Goal without a Plan is just a Wish."
    Mantra in my classroom.
    I like what you've said here about having long and short term goals. Nice.
    With proper, SMART goals, homework becomes unneccessary too!

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