QR Codes in School... Really?

QR Codes are Everywhere QR codes are appearing everywhere it seems; in magazines, newspapers and fliers, posters, billboards, and public benches, product packaging, store displays, letterhead. Makes sense... rather than writing down or typing in a web address, a user scan the code and link directly to the target page. No typing, no mistakes, no 404 […]

If the teacher dances faster will students learn more?

“I’m an entertainer. I have to do a song and dance to capture their attention,” These are excerpts from a New York Times article Titled, "Technology is Changing How Students Learn" suggesting student attention spans are decreasing and teachers struggle to engage students in classwork. I added my own somewhat flip reactions. Teachers who were not […]

"The Filter Bubble" by Eli Pariser: Speed Read

"The Filter Bubble" by Eli Pariser I called these posts "speed reads" because I really zipped through the book, skimming and scanning and synthesizing my own understandings into the statements below. It's not impossible that I completely missed the point or got off on a tangent that doesn't reflect the author's intent. I trust that readers will […]

Sharing projects, pedagogy, and predictions with GameToLearn

Media Literacy Must Include Social Media

After reading only the first paragraph of Emily Gover's article, "The Importance Of Education In A Facebook World" I hit an intellectual wall I knew I had to get over if I was to be effective at helping my students navigate the murky waters of social media. She encountered a story posted by a friend that […]

"Paper Blog Foldable" illustrates parts of a blog

Commence #BYOD publishing and text me your essay #FTW

Student: do we have to type our essays? Me: yes, then you can run it through paperrater.com and get some feedback on grammar and spelling Student: but there are no computers available in the room right now Me. type it on your device, in the notes app Student: don't you need wifi for that? Me: […]

2 Projector Remote Control Buttons You Need to Know About

8 Ways to Make Use of Your Teacher Web Space

I originally posted this on my class website for use in a presentation to my staff in January 2011. Some districts provide (and some require) teachers with web space for use with their students. Here are some suggestions, listed from least to most labour intensive. Feel free to share your own ideas in the comments […]

Learning in Public where the World is Your Teacher

At the 2012 Annual General Meeting of the Manitoba Association of Computing Educators (ManACE) Dean Shareski ‏(@shareski) and Alec Couros ‏(@courosa) explored the idea of learning in public. Their talk titled, "Half-Baked" described the benefits of learning in public spaces, real and virtual, sharing one's "half-baked" skills or ideas and inviting responses from the larger community. […]

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