Reporting and Standards of Practice


The data gathered has been compiled and briefly analyzed. Survey responses and comments were graphed and analyzed for trends then published in a brief paper. This report was delivered to the participating school administrators and the school division superintendent responsible for professional development. Social media engagement was gathered and shared using social media with participants. The recommendations will inform preparations and planning for subsequent Edcamps, specifically some preparatory work with participants on networking and engaging with professional learning communities.

Standards of Practice


This intent of this program evaluation is to determine the goals of an Edcamp and to create a valid tool for assessing the extent to which an Edcamp meets those goals. As such, this evaluation is intended to have utility not just for the specific Edcamp event at which the evaluation was performed, but for other Edcamps and Edcamp organizers wishing to evaluate their own events. This evaluation seeks to improve the assessment and evaluation tools used at Edcamps by crafting and testing a question set that more closely aligns with the Edcamp goals than the set currently suggested by the Edcamp Foundation.


The evaluation was designed and carried out with evaluation tools and processes that reflect the participatory nature of the event itself. Evaluation tools were embedded in the event and elicited a range of response types without interfering with the flow of the day or participant experience.


Apart from the social media artifacts from the day, participant responses on data collection tools were anonymous. Participants were informed that while social media participation was encouraged, it was not required. They were also informed that social media engagement would be gathered to help assess the efficacy of the Edcamp.


It was made clear in the program evaluation report that this was a trial of the survey questions and that the data gathered may not accurately measure the items being assessed. Until a second trial can be performed and reliability/validity measures taken, the results should be treated carefully.

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