Early Human project evolution: project based, self regulation, understanding by, as told in design Microsoft Sway

Reforming the Annual Reflection on Professional Learning

The Annual Reflection on Professional Learning (ARPL) is, I believe, a colossal waste of effort, but not for the reasons you may think... Knowledge Building Schools are filled with very creative and insightful professionals who, every year, craft statements or artifacts that reflect on, and make sense of key learning and experiences in their professional lives. […]

Article reflection: Paul Smeyers, "What Philosophy can and cannot do for education."

This post is a reflection on Paul Smeyers' article titled, "What philosophy can and cannot do for education." "debate ... does not lead to conclusions; rather, its function is to make those involved sensitive to the way something can be appreciated"  Once the author explores Wittgenstein's propositions linking language with meaning, he eventually describes the […]

Mindfulness and Meditative Practice in Education

University of Manitoba professor of Education, Thomas Falkenberg is deeply involved in education for sustainable well-being. I recently read his article, "Teaching as Contemplative Professional Practice" in which he explores the benefits of mindfulness and ongoing self-awareness in the teaching profession. Training ourselves to be aware not just of our practice and strategies or our […]

Seeking help is a critical skill

“Toxic ideas such as  “asking for help will alter others’ perception of me” or “asking for help will make me feel less competent than my colleagues” prevent them from seeking help from informal (e.g., friends) or formal (e.g., colleagues, project manager, etc) sources.  Since competence and independence are among the most cherished values in today’s organizations […]

Self Regulating my own Study of Self-Regulation

Who has time not to self-regulate I have taken on a lot of obligations this term: three graduate courses for my Master's degree, organizing two Edcamps, teaching full-time, volunteering for our local community club fundraisers, and a research project. Add to that the expectations of contributing to the household, maintaining relationships and there is a […]

Collaborative Learning & Inquiry: An illustrated introduction - cartoon style

Espoused and/or Practiced Values

Espoused and/or Practiced Values Argyris (1995) describes two theories of actions: the theories we espouse, and the theories we practice. Ideally, of course, they are one in the same; our behaviours align with the philosophies we hold close. However, there is, more often than not, a mismatch between what we say we believe, and what […]

How to realize the value of inquiry: Collaborative Inquiry 3 of 3

Collaborative Inquiry When done right, collaborative inquiry(CI) engages participants in deep reflection on, and discussion about evidence and artifacts relating to the organization's goals and the individual's practice. CI participants challenge each others' practice and points of view in pursuit of positive change. Calling a collection of people a, "collaborative inquiry group" however does not […]

How to fine tune the focus of inquiry groups: Collaborative Inquiry 2 of 3

Collaborative Inquiry When done right, collaborative inquiry(CI) engages participants in deep reflection on, and discussion about evidence and artifacts relating to the organization's goals and the individual's practice. CI participants challenge each others' practice and points of view in pursuit of positive change. Calling a collection of people a, "collaborative inquiry group" however does not […]

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