I can EXPLAIN it to you, but I can't UNDERSTAND it for you

Ubiquitous mobile devices and connectivity change technology from something we intentionally do, to something we seamlessly live. We no longer have to go to the computer lab or office to access information. All information is at our fingertips. We need to question what is really important for students to learn given that information is immediately accessible to anyone at any time. Higher order thinking, information processing, and search skills are even more critical elements to learning today.
Much has been written about testing in today’s environment, particularly in creating questions that Google can’t answer. Instructional activities that focus on higher order thinking can make use of on-demand information but rely on human thought and processing to make meaning.
Here are some blog posts that explore the impact of technology on the assessment of learning:

Dan Meyer models a form of engagement with math where students are not just finding answers, but learning to ask the questions they themselves will answer. His questions have no specific answer, rather they pose scenarios for which students identify the required information and determine problem solving processes.

Marsha Ratzel examines necessary changes to education win an age where one’s device provides a more rich and detailed response than any teacher could. Comments to the post include notions of independent and self-directed learning in an online/mobile context.

Will Richardson calls for methods of assessment that leverage the power of technology. Performance-based assessments show student’s ability to locate, understand, synthesize, and apply knowledge rather than simply recalling.

Aaron Eyler explores how access to facts is not the end of learning, rather education has to cultivate a learner’s curiosity to make connections.

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