Understanding "Performance Support" (Infographic)

This infographic on Performance Support was written as part of my participation in the graduate course Learning Technologies & Organizations at the George Washington University. It summarizes chapter 6 of Beyond E-Learning by M. J. Rosenberg on Learning and Performance in the Context of Work. Click for full-sized image.

Click for full size (1024x5933)

Click for full size (1024x5933)



For the next couple of years much of my time will be spent on coursework as I have enrolled in George Washington University's Graduate Certificate in eLearning, the first step toward completing the Masters Degree in Education Technology Leadership. In the spirit of learning in public, I plan to use my blog as a thinking and processing space. I'll use the #GWETL tag here on the blog and the same hashtag when tweets are course related. At the moment, I'm registered in Learning Technologies and Organizations and Developing Multimedia Materials.

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