Do you believe everything you tweet?

"Do you believe everything you tweet?" I was asked in the hallway one day. I was taken aback. Mentally searching the latest batch of tweets I scanned for something that may have precipitated such a question. We talked briefly about the purpose of my tweets and engagement with the professional learning community. I had retweeted […]

E-Readers or Tablets

Of course this need not be an either/or decision. E-readers are valuable addition to a school's library and tablets can  shared successfully among many students. In a limited budget, would you rather have an e-reader for each student, or a tablet for every 8 students? Would you get some of each? Is it better to have […]

20+ Years of EdTech

I have used every one of these devices in fulfillment of my duties as a classroom teacher. These were the tools available to me since I became an educator. It makes me feel rather old, but proud nonetheless, to have mastered these valuable communication technologies for teaching and learning. And some say today's technology is too complicated. Want to […]

Minecraft 07 Some Finished Grade 8 Ancient Greece Projects

Our grade 8 classes have wrapped up their first minecraft project recreating a scale version of an Ancient Greek structure. Accompanying the project were some calculations, and a video tour of their structure while describing the historical importance and architectural details. Part of our challenge was getting the students to balance research and writing time with […]

iBooks Highlight Need to Reform Education Funding

Government moves faster than a typesetter can arrange metal cast letters into pages, place them in a frame to make a forme, placed onto a bed, ink the letters, place a paper between the frisket and tympan, and roll the bed under the platen, with the windlass mechanism. (Wikipedia) Well, not quite. A printing press is much faster. Apple's iBook 2 announcement is […]

Minecraft 03: Another Step Forward

Minecraft: 01 Initial Thoughts

I feel a little like I'm looking and leaping at the same time. Minecraft has been popping up in my reading, my young nephew  is an active player, YouTube videos of Minecraft scenes appear in my searches, and I've seen the reddit images of blocky halloween costumes.. Two days ago I purchased a copy and my eight-year-old […]

Minecraft: 02 Organized Chaos

What a wild day. First I want to share how awesome this chaotic day was - student engagement from beginning to end by every single student. Every one of them! It started like this: We need to make this space work for our classroom network. We need to get the classroom network working. We need […]

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